A vrai dire

Ok la base de ce blog est axée essentiellement sur du lourd et lent en général. Cependant il peux y avoir quelques variations autour du thème....oui on aime le Rock teinté d'une touche de seventies, oui on aime le stoner (il faut l'avouer) mais nous ne sommes pas fermés.

dimanche 14 août 2011

Black Land - Psych N°1

The BLACK LAND musical idea was born in 2001 under the previous name of WIZARD (which is kept until 2005), with willer Donadoni(guitarn voice), nicola “CYNAR” Rossi(drum) and carlo Gagliardi (bass). Each one of them came from different musical bands playing other standards (HOPLESS, DIRTY POWER GAME, SAMA). The band is turned to exeperiments at the beginning: sounds of stoner and rock music are fused with the typical reflexive mysticism of doom, and its by those atmospheres that songs take their origin, by the extemporization and the convergency of each own personal background.

>>> http://www.myspace.com/blackland

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