A vrai dire

Ok la base de ce blog est axée essentiellement sur du lourd et lent en général. Cependant il peux y avoir quelques variations autour du thème....oui on aime le Rock teinté d'une touche de seventies, oui on aime le stoner (il faut l'avouer) mais nous ne sommes pas fermés.

lundi 29 août 2011

Samsara Blues Experiment - For The Lost Souls

Genre : Psychédélique / Rock classique /
Label World In Sound

Bio :

"SAMSARA BLUES EXPERIMENT are a Berlin based band, founded in Summer 2007 by leadguitarist/singer Christian Peters.
They went through several changes in the first period but are in constant line-up since September 2008 featuring Hans Eiselt (guitar), drummer Thomas Vedder and Richard Behrens (bass).
As the band name implies three elemental aspects are to notice - the blues as the fundament where it all comes from, the inclusion of spiritual influences accompanied by Indian/raga music and the experimental approach to mix up varied elements in a convincing manner.


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