A vrai dire

Ok la base de ce blog est axée essentiellement sur du lourd et lent en général. Cependant il peux y avoir quelques variations autour du thème....oui on aime le Rock teinté d'une touche de seventies, oui on aime le stoner (il faut l'avouer) mais nous ne sommes pas fermés.

jeudi 1 septembre 2011

Planet Of Zeus - Smoke Weed

Planet of Zeus are a heavy rock, southern metal band from Athens, Greece. Were formed in 2000 and since then have extensively toured around Greece, playing in every venue possible, ranging from shitholes to stadiums. Their raw , sincere and constantly evolving live performances have secured them a loyal and hardcore underground following , which exceeds Greece's geographical boarders and has led them to sharing the stage with acts like Hermano and Brant Bjork.


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