A vrai dire

Ok la base de ce blog est axée essentiellement sur du lourd et lent en général. Cependant il peux y avoir quelques variations autour du thème....oui on aime le Rock teinté d'une touche de seventies, oui on aime le stoner (il faut l'avouer) mais nous ne sommes pas fermés.

vendredi 2 septembre 2011

Romero - Angry Rider

Romero's Jeffrey Mundt spent most of the 90's behind the drum kit for a variety of bands including Bovine Records' THUG & punk legends, NAKED AGGRESSION. A long-time guitar player & songwriter, he often dabbled in fronting a band, but never pursued it seriously. Enter: a move to northern WI, a random Craigslist ad from bass player Josh Stanchik, a casual 8 month writing and recording session (with Mundt handling vocals, guitar & drums!) & Romero was born

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